Thursday, May 21, 2020
Differences Between Girls And Boys - 893 Words
Introduction: a) What is the research question? In this article, researchers hypothesized that the main reason for the differences in competence between girls and boys coincide with the differences in motivation-related variables that emerge during their middle-childhood years at school. Consequently, this seemed to direct students into gendered pathways based on who they identify themselves as. The researchers’ main goal was to identify a concrete and relevant heuristic that correlated students’ gender identity to what students thought as perceived fit and social accurate behaviors. The article highlights that the male stereotyping of math and sciences implies greater misfit between girl’s gender identities. Similarly, the stereotype†¦show more content†¦This identity regulation not only impacts their preferences, but may also influence the amount of effort and diligence they provide at school and in learning. Results: a) What were the major results of the study? The major results of the study were that in fact there is a lower girl representation in subjects such as math and science and a lower boy engagement at school in general. Girls demonstrated less confidence in their mathematics and science related capabilities while boys reported less engagement and interest in coursework. Girls whose favorite subject was physics were seen by their peers as possessing more masculine traits. On the other hand, boys’ gender identity seemed to conflict with their effort display, as boys revealed that they act in ways that they feel were in line with their gender identity. This meant that boys tried to hide effort investment in school from others to maintain a masculine image in front of their peers. Conclusions: a) What did the researchers concluded about their study? Did they confirm their research question? The researchers concluded that in fact, by demonstrating preference to certain school subjects over others, students can develop and demonstrate their gender identity as persons with specific interests and characteristics. Gendered preferences or differences in academic engagement become more likely when the image of a schoolShow MoreRelatedThe Difference Between Girls and Boys in the Oedipus Complex by Sigmund Freud530 Words  | 3 Pages The article â€Å"Some Psychological Consequences of the Anatomical Distinction between the Sexes†by Sigmund Freud focus on the difference between boys and girls and the consequences and impact the Oedipus complex and Penis envy. Freud studies the consequences and how boy and girls develop and move forward from this phase. 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